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At the Advent Presbytery Meeting

Wendy Jean MacLean

by Wendy Jean MacLean

The Presbytery Staff is lighting the Advent candles

at the meeting tonight. I am Voice Three.

Nobody asked me if I wanted to be

but “We always do this skit, every year.”

So they plugged me in.

Maybe I should substitute my line

and use the one I remember from kindergarten: “What are you trying to tell us, Donkey?”

The Shepherds will splutter and try to ad lib

and the angels (secretaries and clerk)

will grimace through their tin foil haloes.

“And it will come to pass…” (the donkey farted)

and suddenly, the earthy laughter

and rumbling of discontent will come together

to become one voice. The syllables

will form in their startled lips

and everyone in the Presbytery

will find themselves shouting.

And the donkey will swish his tail

and answer my question with a gentle snort.

“Glory has no rules.”


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