Previously Published
in Ancient Paths
This page lists the poems, art, and fiction published in print from 1998 to 2010 and online from 2000 to the present day.
1998 (Issue 1)
A Yet Unfinished Metamorphosis (Skylar Burris)
Ode to Galilee (Bonita Byler)
Unstarted Symphony (Jospeh F. Jamar)
The Chill of Sunlight (Joseph F. Jamar)
Go Into All the World (Arle I. Redner)
Believe (Elizabeth Pearson)
Though Not Divine (Skylar Burris)
A Christmas Story: Promises to Keep (Thomas Burris)
The Exchange (Elizabeth Pearson)
The Song (Skylar H. Burris)
1999 (Issue 2)
Fifty Swans (Karen Donovan)
A Seed of Faith (Roger Sedarat)
Silent Stains (Skylar Burris)
The People of Dachau (Sharon Svendsen)
Bonhoeffer (Thomas Dorsett)
Hitler in Heaven (Diane Glancy)
Of Dachau (Roanna Weiss)
Pride (SuzAnne C. Cole)
Obstruction of Construction (Roger Sedarat)
Roots of the Olvie Tree (Constance Rowqeel Mastores)
Shadow (Skylar Burris)
Sacrifice (Edward L. Wier)
Cosmic Irony (Edward L. Wier)
Telephone Call (Pam Wynn)
What Salome Asked For (April Selley)
Fathers and the Dying of Daughters (Larry Marshall Sams)
Seasons (Elizabeth Pearson)
This is Earth, Not Heaven (M. Angele Thomas)
Carpenter Nails (Maureen Tolman Flannery)
Jesus is Bigger Than a Bag og Potato Chips (Gail Aggen)
After the Hurricane (Mary Laufer)
In the Cnayon of the Crescent Moon (David Walters)
A Touch (Heather Dancy)
The Pigeon Man Sings (Mark Blickley)
Mapping My Landscape (Carol P. Bartold)
A Lesson in Human Relations (Karen T. Hamilton)
The Third Day (R.A. Horne)
Endtimes, Endsigns (Karen Arbogast)
Open Tomb (Melinda Turner)
Seasons (Melinda Turner)
Earth (Melinda Turner)
I Am with You (Gail Aggen)
A Touch (Melinda Turner)
Fall 1999 (Issue 3)
You Are Not Your Own (Karen Donovan)
Derelict (Lowell Anspaugh)
Lost Support (Thomas Dorsett)
Considerations at Dusk (Constance Rowell Mastores)
An Atheist on the Beach (Ed Wier)
Erasure (RC Hildebrandt)
Snake Woman in Tokyo: Chirstmas Ever (April Selley)
Sanctus (Jeffrey Johnson)
As Though He Nothing Said (Skylar Burris)
Lullaby (Dennis Saleh)
Love is not a Sacrifice (Laurieanne Tuttle)
Tall Flowers in Bloom (Giovani Malito)
The Goose Glass (James Miller Robinson)
Separation (Donna Wahlert)
For Stacey on Her 21st Birthday (John Brooks)
I Could Almost Carry You in My Arms (Gertrude Marcus Gerstle)
Another Shore (David Conrad Hamilton)
Nil Sine Numine (Joanne Monte)
Lord (Carol Granato)
Nil Sine Numine (Joanne Monte)
Lord (Carol Granato)
Train to Hangzhou (Ernest M. Schuttenberg)
Looking For the Light (Shayla Hawkins)
Sacrament (Richard Alan Bunch)
Pontius Pilate Considers the Exchange (Shayla Hawkins)
I Was Not Told (Skylar Burris)
Paradox in the Ozarks (Carol Sudik Moore)
A Voice in Ramah (Jefferey Johnson)
Grace (Elizabeth Poreba)
Adam's Vertigo (William John Watkins)
Easter (Elizabeth Poreba)
"No, I die" (Justin Mutter)
The Curse (R.L. Reddinger)
The Promise (R.L. Reddinger)
Ancient Patterns (David Brunet)
Decision Time (Thomas S. Burris, Sr.)
The Devil Goes Bowling Sunday Morning (Barbara Benepe)
At the Abbey (Jamie Parsley)
Ruins of the Temple of Apollo, Corinth (Melinda Turner)
His Love is Laughter in Your Heart (Gail Aggen)
The Dead Thief (William Jospeh Willey)
Spring 2000 (Issue 4)
A Sense of Place (David Brunet)
A Poem For All Seasons and Accompanying Art Work (Lachlan MacDonald)
Carlos Pellicer Story (Donny Smith)
Childish Mistakes (Mary Ann Carrico-Mitchell)
Conversion on the Road after Damascus (Ruth Rodriguez Nikolic)
The Covenant (Marion Rapp)
Divided (Ida Fasel)
The Esperanto (Jamie Brolin)
God Speaks in the Silence (Ross Whitehead)
John the Baptist (Louise Weld)
Memo to the Almighty (Marjorie Maddox)
Miss Tubbs (John H. Timmerman)
Mister Wilson (Edward Leschke)
One Day She'll Love Dichondra (Robyn Parnell)
Someone to Watch Over Me (Dale Sprowl)
Summer's Passing (T.M. Moore)
Toward April (Rossme Taylor)
With the Wounded (Dwight Liles)
Fall 2000 (Issue 5)
Anticipation (Sally Jadlow)
Believe (Corbet Dean)
Breakable (Ross Yates)
Choices (Ida Fasel)
Cushions--poem (Tom Hendrix)
Cushions--art work (Penny Hendrix)
Different Church, A (Ronald Thompson)
Far Side of the Jordan, The (Jim Sanders)
Grace (David Craig)
Haec Dies (Rossme Taylor)
His Hands--art work (Gail Aggen)
Last Judgment, The (Max Money)
Live Feed From Littleton (Scott Carpenter)
Lowest Branches, The (Elizabeth Pearson)
Magdalene (Amber Hipple)
No Battle (Francis Freed)
Ocean Front (Sara Hong)
Prism (Dale Sprowl)
Proposal in the Afternoon (Robert Leo Stanley)
Rock That is Higher, The (J. Gregg Young)
Samuel to David (David Turow)
Shells (Edward Palumbo)
Staring at the Wall (William Woolfitt)
A Sudden Death in the House (Jene Erick Beardsley)
Vibrations of Love (Lynn Roaten Terrell)
Yearning (Julia Wilkerson Burns)
When I, Someday, Walk Corridors of Peace (Faun Dallachiesa)
Who You Aren't (Gail Aggen)
Wings (David Hay)
Spring 2001 (Issue 6)
Alzheimers (Gene Fehler)
Artwork--two untitled pieces (Wendy Lu)
Carpenter (Grey)
Crooked Cross, The (Ann Walko)
Elisha's Room (Wiser)
Empathy (DiJulio)
Eulogy of Hope (DeBerry)
Fruit That Remains (Wilkerson)
Grace (Gail Aggen)
I Went to Your Grave Today (Wiser)
In Jerusalem (Ida Fasel)
Just a Color (Tom Hendrix)
Lying Chimney Sweeps (Gail Aggen)
Long Road Home, The (Floyd)
Mary of Egypt (Donna Farley)
My Cup Runneth Over (Murray)
Passage (C. David Hay)
Passing Saint, The (Wilkerson)
Pentecost (Rourke)
The Permission Slip (Lynn Roaten Terrell)
A Psalm (Dale Sprowl)
Sister Mary Magdalene of Poor Clare and the Shroud of Turin (Terry Coffey)
Staying in Line (Fehler)
Sunday Bells (Thomas S. Burris, Sr.)
Tourist (Ida Fasel)
Two Sparrows (Robert Leo Stanley)
Upon The Midnight Clear (Ronald McKinnon Thompson)
Fall 2001 (Issue 7)
African Child Who Starved to Death (Francis Kunkle)
Art Work (Wendy Lu, Troy Tennard)
After the Marvelous Healing (Walt McDonald)
AIDS and the Churches (Handsen Chikowore)
Beyond My Bent (Pearl Wilshaw)
Broken Wing (Traphagen)
Childhood's Fortress (Ruth Naylor)
Dry Season (Myra Hindman)
Fire (Laura Stamps)
Hiding (Nancy Bailey Miller)
I Am Poured Out Like Water (Carl Jay Buchanan)
I Would Not Disobey God (Kevin Stuart Brodie)
Jerusalem (S.E. Darby)
Legacy (Shirley Malmgren)
The Liberator (Kenneth O'Keefe)
Lord's Tennis Ball (Chris Williams)
Martinique, Just Before the Fever (Roger Lewin)
Millennium (Patrick M. Cook)
Mission (Edward Palumbo)
Neighbors Who Came and Went, The (Dennis Johns)
One Father to Another (Edward J. Rielly)
Perfect Christian (Gail Aggen)
Pilgrimage (Hope B. Green)
Postscript to Myself (Daniel Morin)
Requiem (Robert Karl Meyer II)
Scratches On A Butcher Block (Steven M. Sloan)
Scriptures for All Needs (Warren Hamby)
Shoreline (Cherise Wyneken)
Skepticism (William Michael Fagan)
Spring 2002 (Issue 8)
Artwork by Wendy Lu, Troy Tennard, Mary Frances, and Mark Kilvington
Ambrose's Final Plans (Maureen Stirsman)
A Warmth I've Never Known (Gene Fehler)
Advocations (Ida Fasel)
Call from the Clouds (Dorothy Winslow Wright)
David Soothes Saul with his Harp (Larry Lefkowitz)
Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" (Robery K. Meyer II)
For My John of the Cross (Olivia Diamond)
For Esther (Steven M. Sloan)
God Emeritus (Kevin Stuart Brodie)
Jacob's Angels (Margaret Stavely)
Judas (Robert Wooten)
Keeper of the Keys (Cherise Wyneken)
Kramskoj's Christ in the Desert (Jeff Parker)
Last Sunset, The (John M. Floyd)
Life-Sized Station of the Cross (Erin Tocknell)
Matthew was in the counting house (David Craig)
Railroaded (Maureen Tolman Flannery)
Raised Up By Love (Larry Marshall Sams)
Releases (Phubby Venable)
Sheep from the Goats, The (Kenneth O'Keefe)
Signing (Michael D. Riley)
There's No Stopping How This Will Happen to Us (David James)
Trust Me (Gail Aggen)
Fall 2002 (Issue 9)
Artwork by Wendy Lu, Troy Tennard, and Ka Hung Yu
Photography by Ekaterina Svetova
The Age of Lycya (Ekaterina Svetova)
Baby Crying (Janet McCann)
Behind the Veil (Teresa Burleson)
The Body of Christ (Jeff Parker)
Communion (Richard Spilman)
Compassion (Krischke)
Dreaming of the Sun (Frederick J. McGavran)
In The Course of Time (Joyce B. Adams)
The Empowered Prophet (Kenneth O'Keefe)
Fairytales and Dustballs (M.J. King)
Finding Your Song (Bullock)
Gardeners (Lynn Behnke)
God Pursuit (Maureen Tolman Flannery)
The Judgment (Kenneth O'Keefe)
In Memoriam: Loretta (Francis L. Kunkel)
Our Father (Anne Turner)
Patting God on the Back (Gordon Purkis)
Powers of One (Ellen Roberts Young)
Reprieve (Olivia Diamond)
Roses and Thorns (R.J. Blair)
Salvation, It's a Dirty Job (Cheryl Gatling)
Silence (Wendy Brown)
Snow and Golden Flowers (Dorothy Winslow Wright)
The Surf (Christoper Ribaudo)
A Well Dressed Corpse (Carol Case)
Spring 2003 (Issue 10)
Abraham (Shepard)
Bearing the Mark (O' Keefe)
The Champion Retires (Fein)
Constantine on the Walls (Wilson)
God's Voice Waters the Gardens (Tocknell)
Job's Wife (Kiser)
Hosea (Henry)
Isaac's Dream (Davis)
Jeremiah (O'Keefe)
Jesus Amazed (Craig)
Job's Wife (Kiser)
Judas (O'Keefe)
Judas (Snydal)
Lazarus (Lynch)
Letter to Lydia (Patrick)
Moses on Mount Sinai and Nebo (Church)
Mother Teresa uber Alles (Feela)
On Viewing Artemisia Gentileschi's Judith (Morefield)
The Prodigal's Brother (Kolin)
Pliny to Caius Suetonius... (Schwartz)
Salamanca (Keating)
The Woman at the Well (Diamond)
Too Spiritual (Styers)
Art work by Atman Victor, Jathleen Gunton, Troy Tennard, and Wendy Lu.
Fall 2003 (Issue 11)
A Mind of Winter (Solensten)
Albatross (Whitehead)
Beneath the Burning Light (Mikus)
Duty (Zappala)
The Earliest Angel (Radasci)
Emeritus (Willis)
For Colby Anne Calore (Hanna)
Last Day (Packie)
October Flowers (Gribble)
Old Friend in Disorder (Mann)
Pear Lake Ski Hut (Willis)
Run for the Money (Steimle)
Sapphics on Christian Ethics (Myers)
Scripture (Giorgio)
Thank You (Freed)
The Code (Griffith)
The Heart of a Tree (Bolanos)
The Trouble With Prophets (Thorpe)
Written During the Year of My Cancer (Wilensky)
Artwork by TerryLee Whetstone, Durlab Singh, Hung Yu, and Troy Tennard
2004 (Issue 12)
The Common Man (Rosendahl)
Cross at Picture Rocks Retreat (Gunton)
Jesus (Gray)
The Celebration (Norris)
Della's Cellar (Floyd)
Hide and Seek (McGill)
The Pitcher (Parker)
Agave (Reiter)
Cracked Roots (McCraw)
Disobedience (Gordon)
Fallen to Earth (Carrubba)
For a Child Too Soon Departed (Brenner)
Full Circle (McCraw)
Grace (Thurman)
House of Stone (Landrum)
In the World to Come (Sher)
Last Time I Saw Her Was a Year Ago (Bourgeois)
Marriage of the Prophet (Adkins)
Moorings (Thurman)
My Symphony of Praise (Mings)
Omnipresent (Burleson)
Purslie (Raynor)
Sonnet for the Storm (Hollingsworth)
Statue in the Garden (Miner)
Stay (Crisafi)
Suffer the Child (Weisgarber)
Vanished Landscapes (Beltran)
The Well (Fantina)
When Winter Comes (Bounds)
2005 (Issue 13)
Anything Too Hard for Me? (Sharol Rosendahl)
Illustrations (Troy Tennard)
Lotus Path (Kathleen Gunton)
Rahcel (Sharol Rosendahl)
Passion Flower (John A. Thompson, Sr.)
Flying (William R. Hincy)
Paper Losses (Martha Crotty)
Paradise (Julie Iven)
The Garden of Ed Eden (Diane Rosier Miles)
The Macaw Bird (Greg Perrault)
Cloister, Recycled (Anne Bingham)
Coda (Laurie Klein)
Dolorosa (Jim Kerbaugh)
Faith (Patricia Rose Pflaumer)
Grass Beside The Church of St. Francis Xavier (Arthur Powers)
I Will Not Bite (Truth Thomas)
In Gentle Notes Seized Stron (Ida Fasel)
Gifts (Penny Henderson)
Listen (John Grey)
Mystic Exile (Alice Lindsey)
The Old Graveyard (Kathleen Murphy)
On the Frescoes...(Gail White)
Plants that Don't Bloom (Edward J. Riley)
Prayer to You (Newton Miner)
Precious Cargo (Pamela van Rene)
A Stab at Prayer (Ed Zahniser)
There is a Season (Joy Resor)
Thief in the Night (Layra E. Bontrager)
Thomas from the Tower (Of London) Writes (Dick Hayes)
2007 (Issue 14)
As Days Go By (Ida Fasel)
Witness (Ruth Linnea Whitney)
After His Fall (Ruth Linnea Whitney)
Ash Wednesday (Bobbi Dykema Katsanis)
A Guide for the Perplexed (Frederick Zydeck)
Second Sight (D.J. Smith)
The Night My Father Died (T.A. Pitrof)
Hymn (Richard B. Patterson)
He Appears (Anne Babson)
Levi Repents (Roger Bates Kronmann)
Today (Laverne Frith)
The Ancient Order (Scott Guild)
Lift Up the Stone (Jonathan Harrington)
11:05 PM, Bispebjerg Hospital (Bobbi Dykema Katsanis)
Finding Definition (Pamela A. MacBean)
Epiphany (Mary Rudbeck Stanko)
Shadow Heart (Sean Lause)
John the Baptist Speaks from Prison (Rose Ann Spaith)
Joseph the Journeyman (Michael Fraley)
A True Story (Cindy Beebe)
Blessings (Taylor Graham)
Easter Morning (Ian Nelson)
Letting Go the Tiller (Bruce Allen Chamberlin)
Insight (Bob Hostetler)
Reading the Ocean (David Athery)
Sacred Seams (Jerome L. McElroy)
The Rood (Andrew H. Oerke)
Black and White (Cassondra Leigh Givans)
Decision (Donna Levine-Small)
Red Wings (Linda Chapleau)
The Call to Repentance (Douglas Talley)
Bright Canaan (Charles Semones)
Known, Yet Ever New
Clearing (Taylor Graham)
Oil Can (James B. Nicola)
Everyday Sacred Things (Frederick Zydek)
Seashell (Judith Patterson Wenzel)
At Ben Gurion (Jen Blair)
Hostage: Thoughts in Solitude
Child (Elizabeth Kropf)
Enough (Katherine L. Jones)
January (Weldon Payne)
The Preacher’s Gift (Fred Jessett)
This Is Your Mom (Kathleen Lindstrom)
Veil of Truth (Matthew Slykhuis)
Tilly and the Mouth Organ (Mary Chandler)
Old and New Religion (John A. Thompson, Sr.)
Angel of Welcome (Kathleen Gunton)
Santuario del Alma (Atman Victor)
Nocturnal Friends (MelanieMonterey)
Michael and the Dragon (Rod Walker)
Enough (Troy Tennard)
Preacher’s Gift (Troy Tennard)
Christian Woman Crying (Gale Tolf MA)
Veil of Truth (Troy Tennard)
Tilly and the Mouth Organ (Troy Tennard)
Church Steeple (John A. Thomspon, Sr.)
2009 (Issue 15)
Lament (Diane Rosier Miles)
Cathedral (Katie Lovett)
Small Change (Anne Kohl)
Pretty Plastic Flowers for Her Grave (Scot Walker)
Commonplace Miracles (Ben M. Wolk)
The Woman on the Other Side of the Hill (Janice Alonso)
A History Lesson (Mark Clark)
Cigarettes in the Morning (Emily A. Ballstaedt)
Colors (Mary Chandler)
Marked Women (Jeff M. Sellers)
Prodigal Son (Barry W. North)
Ezekiel (Katie Manning)
The Last Breakfast (Anne Sheldon)
At Either End of the Web (Regina Murray Brault)
Visitation (Charlotte F. Otten)
Rebellion (Ryan Jessup)
Fallen (B. David Truksa)
John (Doug Draime)
Five Poems (Anna Sykora)
Mama’s Stories (CC Thomas)
Shapes of Things Forgotten (Chuck Miller)
Who Will Come to Save Him, Now? (Barry W. North)
Prayer for a Winter-hardy Flower (Jean Wiggins)
Absolution (Sue Ellen Kuzma)
Looking for a Star (Vonnie Winslow Crist)
Inquirer (Mervyn Enguidanos)
Intertwined (Karen Kelsay)
De reductione omnium ad Resurrectionem (Mark Amorose)
Children’s Sermon (Nancy Bailey Miller)
Like Jacob (Nancy Bailey Miller)
White and Red (Mary Harbin Sciascia)
Carneval in Venice (Leonard H. Roller)
What We Have Lost (G. Travis Regier)
Tomb of My Heart (Kenny Ching)
Hymn to the Creator (Eric Martin)
Convergence (Jenny Walicek)
How Eagerly They Do God’s Will (Henry Harlan)
God Chasers (Teresa Burleson)
The Miraculous (Robert Wooten)
Photography/Artwork by Kathleen Gunton: Baptism, On a Hill, JB Window
Illustrations by Troy Tennard
Photography by Atman Victor: La Giralda and Mendigo
Digital Paintings by Kristina Gehrmann: The Final Peace and Ecce Ancilla Domini
2010 (Issue 16)
Nicholas Samaras
Easter in the Cancer Ward
Psalm in the Words of a Simple Man to Emulate
Contemplating the Nature of Hell
The Archbishop's Miter
The Psalm of Then
The Psalm of My Reality Now
The New Old Testament
The Pslam of Useless Prayers
Carol A. Oberg
The Wars One Cannot Win
I Once Watched Lawrence Welk on a Saturday Night
Forgive Me
Human Operations
Making a Mess of Your Life
The Gift of Goals and Pretty Toes
Save Me
The Doors Angels Open
My First Kill
My Father's Battle
Paul David Atkins
War Story #33
Joseph and Mary in Her Eighth Month
The Star of Bethlehem as Seen from a Hopi Village
The Tithe as Medicine for Miscarriages
44th Field Hospital At Christiams--Bagram, AFG
Study War No More
Micha 6:8
I Peter 4:10-13
Iraqi IED Emplacement Team
Edoardo Albert
The Wild Swan
Mark McKenna
The Lives We Lead
The Deer
Junior Mclean
Beautiful Day
Guardian Angel
Meg Eden
Kathleen Gunton
Island Prayer
2012 (Issue 17)
The Word Became Flesh (Kathleen Gunton)
Mark J. Mitchell
A Balm of Liturgy / Sacramental Ennui
A Hazard of Devotion
Adam Hughes
Variation on a Theme by God / Hesychasm
Todd Sukany
Holy Expectation / Epiphany Party / First Noel
Blocking Football at Godfather’s Pizza
Terry Jude Miller
Old Tom the Prophet / Nirvanna
Leonard H. Roller
And God Made Plastic / If Infants Wail / Kyrielle for Judas
Electron Haunted Space
Peter C. Venable
Cool Spring Street / The Fall
The Week the World Knows Well
Jayme Yeo
Benediction XVI: Ordinary Time, Simple Things
Benediction VIII: Resurrection
Benediction III: Advent, Genesis, Anticipation
Maria Veres
Up on the Lord’s Farm /
Pastor Jordan Reminds Us How to Behave in Church /
Give Us This Day
Teresa Burleson
Unveiled / Recycling / Jealous God / The Chess Game
Carol Hamilton
Did They Have a Candle? / Seder, Eucharist Reminders
The Unexpected
Laurel Garver
Grace / The Camera Came
Liz Dolan
The Healer / Grace
How I Loved the Way Sister Hooked Up
May All Your Children Be Gymnasts
Jade Ramsey
Pinocchio on Child-rearing / Other
Michael Neal Morris
In the Dog House / Holding Water / Closet
Susan Maxwell Campbell
Body & Soul / March 20: Day & Night
At Pentecost Every Spring
Kirby Olson
The Beauty of Woman / Ecce Homo
C.B. Anderson
Redemption / Economy / An Adult’s Prayer / Words
L.N. Allen
If Heaven / Lazarus of Bethany
Barry W. North
Jesus Still Speaks in the Silence / Dawn / Born Again
Frank De Canio
Devout Tillage / Good Heavens / God (the sonnet)
Rick Livingston
Something Died
2000 Online Christmas Issue
The Acrostic Church Year (Robert K Meyer)
Balsam (Carol White LaForet)
C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S (Elizabeth Pearson)
A Christmas Story (Maya Sieminski)
Crane Flying (Rossme Taylor)
The Dog and the First Christmas (Laura Dugan)
In The Stable (Rossme Taylor)
My Very Best Friend (Bruce Adkins)
Not Long, He Said (Ann Walko)
The Perfect Christmas Tree (Maureen Stirsman)
2001 Online Easter Issue
Acrostic Church Year, The (Robert K Meyer)
Good Friday (Peter Benzoni)
Good Friday Rain (Robert Phelps)
The Nail (Thomas S. Burris, Sr.)
On the Morrow He Will Rise (S. Aaron Stewart)
Resurrection (Betty Pearson)
Resurrection, The (Beverly Russo)
Springtime Awaits (Betty Pearson)
Triumphal Entry (David Zelie)
Unbent Nails (J.D. Heskin)
2001 Online Christmas Issue
A Greek Christmas (Aphrodite Matsakis)
A Song of Christmas (R.J. Blair)
Bethlehem (Susan Lyttek)
Blanket (Reid Bush)
Christmas Morn (Barry Blander)
Christmas Time (William Fagan)
Glory Be! (Ruth Naylor)
In the Far Distance Washington's Magnetic Power (John McKernan)
Magi (Nancy Henry)
Only Thieves Travel At Night (Dory Hudspeth)
Rage Against (James Wackett)
Riddle (Rossme Taylor)
The Christmas Women (Lynn Sadler)
Wise Journey (Partica G. Rourke)
2002 Online Christmas Issue
A Second Look (Cornelsen)
Annunciation (Hannahan)
At the Manger (Taylor)
Christmas Past (Hay)
Epiphany (Berg)
Magi (Ahlemann)
Rushing Toward Entelechy (Buck)
When God Stepped Into Time (Blair)
El Greco's Ox (Martin)
2003 Online Easter Issue
An Answer? (Denny James Corbin)
The Crucifixion (Margene Whitler Hucek)
The daffodils (S E Darby)
Easter Song (Cherise Wyneken)
Good Friday Counsel (Ruth Naylor)
Judas (David C. Jennings)
Lent (Philip C. Kolin)
Mary (Margaret E Lynch)
Mary Magdalen (Beverly Waller)
Mysterious Doubt (J. Brent Bill)
2004 Online Christmas Issue
Branches (Susan F. Kirch-Thibando)
The Magi's Journey (Stephen Scaer)
2005 Online Easter Issue
A Morning Like This (Elizabeth Howard)
Angels Stand (S.L.Z. Kunzler)
Crucifixion/Resurrection (David C. Jennings)
Easter Sunday (Julie Thorndyke)
Easter (Marianna Busching)
Easter (Ruth Lata)
I.N.R.I. (Robert Wooten)
Palm Sunday (Skylar Burris)
Skull Mountain Blues (WMojave)
Poems for Books Contest
Beautiful Beloved (Linda Lee McDonald)
On Viewing "Lot and His Daughters" (Kenneth R. Morefield)
Sister (Marion Rosser)
Ancient Paths Online (2012-2017)
The following works may be found on the Facebook page.
Use the search function on the page to locate them.
A Bag Lady’s Body in the Financial District (Arthur Powers)
A Christmas Ballad (Skylar H. Burris)
A Christmas Toast (C. David Hay)
A Grain of Mustard (Lela Marie de la Garza)
A Holiday Prayer (Ron L. Hodges)
A Meditation of Psalm 19 on June 21 (David C. Miller)
A Modest Proposal for Hell (Douglas Young)
A New Light (Ron L. Hodges)
A New Proverb (Michael Kulp)
A Parable in the Mode of C.S. Lewis (Wallace Runnymede)
A Peaceful Place (James G. Piatt)
A Poem (Anna Sykora)
A Poem (Nellieanna H. Hay)
A Poem (Simon Perchik)
A Prayer (John Timothy Robinson)
A Voice (James G. Piatt)
Above and Below (James B. Nicola)
Advent (Chris Ellery)
Advent at the Reservoir (Mary Zimmer)
Advent Darkness (Frank Hubeny)
After I Was Raised (Liz Dolan)
After the Birth (Elizabeth Perdomo)
Aftermath (Carol Hamilton)
All Lies Should Bear the Weight of Lies (James Hannon)
An Aria of Appreciation (Ken L. Jones)
Angel of Mirth (Carole Christman Koch)
Annunciation: Second Thoughts (Liz Dolan)
Another Dead End (Mark Weinrich)
An Aria of Appreciation (Ken L. Jones)
As Fragile as Spun Glass (Ken L. Jones)
Ashes (Carol Hamilton)
Ask Me (Sarah Rennicke)
At the Center (James B. Nicola)
Author of Unending Time (Matthew Burden)
Basho (Yates Young)
Basilica (Bob Thimmesh)
Behind Enemy Lines (Teresa K. Burleson)
Birds of Varied Feathers (Changming Yuan)
Bumper Crop (Charity Johnson)
Cape May Joy Ride (Liz Dolan)
Carol for the Lord (Annette Weed)
Casting Shadows (Carol Lavelle Snow)
Advent at Klinik Mata (Charity Johnson)
Nocturne with Monkey (D.S. Martin)
First of All, It's Dank in Here (Ed Higgins)
What Holds Up (Pat Cook)
In Every Crisis (Daniel Wilcox)
Spilling Me (S. Grata)
Dove on a Church Bench (Karen Kelsay)
Polished Stones (Kevin Heaton)
Ordinary Time (Ann Applegarth)
Caught by the Rain (R. Bremner)
Chagall’s Animals (Leonore Wilson)
Chimayo (Christopher Woods)
Church Basement Supper (KC Nelson)
Church Garden (T. Allen Culpepper)
Composers of the Wind (Anca Mihaela Bruma)
Costume Party (Brenda Anderson)
Curse of the Virgin (Richard Sensenbrenner)
Dance Master (Teresa Burleson)
Dawn on Easter Morning (Ashley Barrett)
Deathbed Convert (M.R. Byrd)
Desert with No End (Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi)
Desert-Ambling, or The Beauty Part (James B. Nicola)
Different Circles (Robert Wooten)
Divine Oridnance (Frank De Canio)
Double Despair (Liz Dolan)
Downturn (Cristine A. Gruber)
Drawing in the Stained Glass Light (J.T. Whitehead)
Dust (Robert Louis Covington)
Dust on Christ (Stacie Morell)
Early on a Lilac-lathered Morning (Jeremy Gadd)
Early Sorrow (Liz Dolan)
Earth Healer (Pascale "Tia" Louissaint)
Earthly Use (Kate Bernadette Benedict)
Electric Jesus (Rick Novy)
Elegy to My Unborn Nephew or Niece, Upon Hearing of Death (Ron Hodges)
Elegy to the Unclaimed Dead (Ron Hodges)
Enfleshed (Teresa Burleson)
Epiphany (Ginny Emery)
Eternity (John McKernan)
Faith (John Sweeder)
Faith in the Way (Terri L. Cummings)
Feast (Precious Ibe)
Final Wish (Glenda Barrett)
Fingers (Christal Cooper)
Fireflies in a Bell Jar (Doug Draime)
For Better (Pascale Louissaint)
Four Eucharist Quatrains (Sara Bickley)
Foxes Have Holes (Sterling Osborne)
Frequently Floundering (D.A. Cairns)
Furnished (f.f. white)
Going with the Flow (Ivan Jenson)
Good Heavens (Frank De Canio)
Gratitude (Fleta Collier)
Hand to Hand (Daniel Boerman)
Harvest Moon (Robert Wooten)
Haunting Songs of Whippoorwills (Jean E. Wieben-Hill)
Heaven (Ryan Favata)
Her Vision (Patrick Doerksen)
Holidays Are Coming (Neil Slevin)
Holy in Silence (Sean Lause)
Holy is the Lamb (Deborah Guzzi)
Homage to Eliot (Erren Geraud Kelly)
Home ( Fleta Collier)
Host (Keith Gogan)
How Malleable the Human Form (Leonard H. Roller)
How to Sow Spearmint Memories (Krystol Stinson)
Hunger’s Plate of Secrets: Act I (Laurie Klein)
I’ll Listen to Bach (Douglas Young)
If You Look for Me (fNells Wasilewski)
Image (J.D. DeHart)
In Her Arms (Robert Vaughan)
In Memoriam (Gershon Ben-Avraham)
In the Dark (N. Muma Alain)
In the Garden of Mine (Eliott Scheffler)
Into Transcendent Fire (Thomas David Teoli)
Israel Leaving Sinai (Ashley Barrett)
It Doesn’t Take X-Ray Vision (Neil Carpathios)
Jane’s Grace (Erin Farias)
Journey of the Magi (Bruce Dale Wise)
Knowing Prayer (Julianne Palumbo)
Koinonia (Rev. Daniel Klawitter)
Kyrie, Eleison (Megan Von Bergen)
Layers (Jess Provencio)
Let My Soul Out (Cate Cowie)
Light (Dylan Dykins)
Liking Myself (Stefanie Pickett Buckner)
Little Known Facts about Judas (Philip C. Kolin)
Logs and Candles (John Brugaletta)
Loneliness (Peter Bloch-Hansen)
Loose Change (Jean Bonin)
Love (Fabrice Poussin)
Love’s Tavern (Jane Juran)
Making a Mess of Your Life (Carol A. Oberg)
Manna (Farzana Marie)
Mark 6:32 (Mark J. Mitchell)
Martha (Rose Ann Spaith)
Mary of Egypt (Emmanuel Williams)
Maundy Bath (Rev. Mary Zimmer)
Max Embarrasses his Father at the Altar (Michael Neal Morris)
Mishpahhah (Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya)
Imprint (Skylar Hamilton Burris)
My Ex and God (Ron Riekki)
My Father Was Not Job (Nicholas E. Efstathiou)
My Lord, My God (Matthew Brown)
My Wish (Ron Hodges)
Near the Sea (Samantha Seto)
Never Ending Story (Barry North)
Notes on a Lesson in Meteorology (Hillary Biehl)
Ode to a Lover on the Susquehanna (Melanie Simms)
Ode to the Shepherds (Ron L. Hodges)
Of All Things (Robert Wooten)
Oh Christmas Tree (Julianne Palumbo)
Omission (Alexa Recio de Fitch)
On the Road to Emmaus (Nicholas E. Efstathiou)
One Seed (Mark Weinrich)
Orange (Greg Moglia)
Ordinary Time (Hilary Biehl)
Our Legacy (Douglas Young)
Outside Eternal Day (James Keane)
Over a Cup of Chamomile Tea (Stefanie Pickett Buckner)
Passing By 2 (James B. Nicola)
Passover around Eighteen Months (Todd Sukany)
Peace in a Stable (Lind Grant-Oyeye)
Pentecost (Megan Von Bergen)
Pentecost Sunday (Amy Nemecek)
Phony (Ginny Emery)
Pinyon, Zion Park (Annette Weed)
Praise (Christian Reifsteck)
Praise Song (Don Thompson)
Prayer (Liv Lansdale)
Prayer for Gratitude (Mary L. Westcott)
Quadragon Corpus Hypercubicus (Alex Nodopaka)
Quiet Suits Me (Mary Boyd Crider)
Red Blinders (Todd Sukany)
Redemption (Caileigh Jane Smith)
Redemption (Linda J. Himot)
Reserve and Expense (Amos J. Hunt)
Rest (James Quentin Clark)
Resurrection in the Dust (Heidi Sherlock)
Rise (Monica Flegg)
Rowlette Creek Basillica (Logan Gnerlich)
Sacred Idyll (John Zedolik)
Sacred Offering (Jean E. Wieben-Hill)
Saint Joseph (Chris Ellery)
Scary Silent Prayer (Colin Dodds)
Seasons of Misunderstanding (Ann Applegarth)
Sebastiano’s Madonna (Laura Del Col Brown)
Serving Funerals (Charles McGonigle)
Shadow (Skylar Hamilton Burris)
Shining a Grave (Ron Hodges)
Shocking Lack of Judgment (Kellie Singh)
Significance (Carol Hamilton)
Simon (Ron Hodges)
Simon Peter (Jonel Abellanosa)
Sister Antoinne (Liz Dolan)
Skyfall (T.L. Murray)
Slow Fade (C.B. Anderson)
Sometime Soon for Carol (Doug Draime)
Song (Chris Young)
Song of the Alps (Sharon Frame Gay)
Song of the South (Oliva Lewis)
Sonnet to a Baseball Dad (Ron Hodges)
Sound Scripture (Frank De Canio)
Staupitz Admonishes Luther (Liz Dolan)
Such Common Days (Nancy A. Henry)
Summer Afternoon (Dylan Henderson)
Sunday Morning Dead (Barbara A Meier)
Sunday Service (Blake Johnson)
Sunrise Service (Walt Pilcher)
Sunset on the Cimarron (William Walters)
Sympathy/Empathy (Ron L. Hodges)
Tabernacle for the Snail (Jean E. Wieben-Hill)
Tenebrae (Carol Hamilton)
The Adding Machine (Kiernan O'Connor)
The Apple (Jenni Gribble)
The Ash and the Thorn (Leonard H. Roller)
The Bangled Watch (Franklin Black)
The Capsule (Tim Wilkinson)
The Cloister on Lafayette Avenue (Liz Dolan)
The Conqueror (Adreyo Sen)
The Contest (Lela Marie de La Garza)
The Curse (Janel Brubaker)
The Day Before Christmas (James Sale)
The Door Without Locks (Carol Hamilton)
The Elder Brother (Skylar Hamilton Burris)
The Fallen (Adreyo Sen)
The Falling Leaves (Jeremy Gadd)
The Favor (Philip Kuan)
The First Time (Bruce Allen Chamberlain)
The First to See (Teresa K. Burleson)
The Forgotten Bees (Robert Lavett Smith)
The Gifted Garden & Father’s Day (Deborah Guzzi)
The Gifts of Creation (Debbie Guzi)
The Incessant Knocking (Martin Willitts, Jr.)
The King’s Mistake (Ron Hodges)
The Miracle on Conley’s Mountain (Sarah Mackenzie)
The Mission On Hennepin Avenue (Gary W. Bloom)
The Moment at Dinner in Emmaus / A Church Window (Susan Maxwell Campbell)
The Nothing (Roy Blokker)
The Old Church on the Piano (Francis Annagu)
The Older Brother (Teresa K. Burleson)
The Return of the Magi (Bruce Dale Wise)
The Scar (Elias Kanner)
The Second Look (Mark Weinrich)
The Shroud of Turin (JD DeHart)
The Spider Web (John McKernan)
The Unbending (Charity Johnson)
The Water’s Edge (Edward Ahern)
The Whispering Leaf (Afzal Moolla)
The Widower and the Priest (Skylar Hamilton Burris)
The Woman from the Middle Pew (Stacy Pratt)
The World is Weary (Jack Brownfield)
These Roses (Michael C. Seeger)
Through Prayer (Alicia Perez)
Unborn (Alexi Noble)
Upon Viewing the Painting ‘Martyr in the Catacombs’ (Michale Ugulini)
Vespers (Peter C. Venable)
Vision (Michelle Brooks)
Voices of Light (Mark Weinrich)
Waiting in the Clearing (Martin Willitts, Jr)
Waiting on the Lord (Kim Bond)
Welcome to Thorp (Cam Kurer)
Whatulookingfor (Tuwond Bernard)
When the Hour Came (Peter C. Venable)
White Smoke Morning (Elizabeth Perdomo)
Whiteout (Elias Kanner)
Who Is this Man? (Sadie Kainu)
William the Old (Jonathan Garner))
Wise Men Follow: An Easter Monotetra (Ron Hodges)
With All Traditions Fallen (Elizabeth Perdomo)
Woman (Barbara A Meier)
Women (Judith Joubert)
Word for Word (Nurrudin Hopkins)
Ancient Paths Online (2018)
You Come to Me in Small (Heather M. Browne)
Voices of Light (Mark Weinrich)
Processional and Introit (Lennart Lundh)
A Thank You Note, Sixty Years Later (Derek Kannemeyer)
The Sun Rises on Rapid City (Iris Orpi)
The Truth & Deer in the Wild (Sravani Singampalli)
Alcoholic Blood (Johnmichael Buchanna, Jr.)
The Gold Ring in the Pretzel Jar (Robert Hirschfield)
Treasure (Sravani Singampalli)
A Garden of Eden (Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya)
Free From Desires (Mickey Kulp)
Forest (Jennifer Mahoney)
Spelunking (Alina Sayre)
Fruits of Kindness (Sravani Singampalli)
Carrying Books (Damian Jay Clay)
Just Because, Bad Heart (Michael Lee Johnson)
Our Ninth Hour (Frank De Canio)
God's New Clothes (Edward Ahern)
Aquacate (Douglas Brandow)
But that Was Enough (Julie Henderson)
Look through My Mist (Jennifer Migotsky)
Good Accounting (Nathan Froumis)
An Opening (Roger Singer)
Thanksgiving (R.A. Lott)
Scattered Daisies (Kathleen Dunlap)
In Sickness and in Health (Daniel Klawitter)
Oarsman (Bruce Louis Dodson)
Before Light (Carol Hamilton)
Not Just A Picture (Deetje J Wildes)
Ladder (Jeff Burt)
Ghost Train (Sharon Frame Gay)
Christmas Eve (Debbie Guzzi)
Ancient Paths Online (2019)
All selections below may be found archived on the Ancient Paths Archive. Use the search function on the blog to locate each work by entering one word from the title.
Unwrapping the Wisemen's Gifts (Cynthia Gallaher)
The Communion (Lisa Rhodes-Ryabchich)
Remember the Angel (Shera Hill)
Free As Smoke (Matthew Brown)
A.D. 2018 (William Norine)
Cathédrale St-Sauveur (Deborah Guzzi)
My Metrical Sin (Ron Hodges)
Undead (Christine Duncan)
From North Korea: The Phantom Fisherman (Brian C. Billings)
Ash Wednesday (Leland Seese)
Tainted Snow (Randal A. Burd, Jr.)
Fear (John McKernan)
Via Crucis (Susan P. Blevins)
Abel (Lynn Michael Martin)
Lent (Wilda Morris)
Come Tender Friends (Mark Weinrich)
Maundy Thursday (Deborah Guzzi)
Palm Sunday Mischief (Wilda Morris)
Thoughts For a Penny (Lisa Rhodes-Ryabchich)
The Astrologer on Good Friday (Darrel Dionne)
Guilt (Dawn Gonzales)
Have A Seat (Robert Wooten)
While Waiting (Randal A. Burd, Jr.)
Michelangelo: Painter and Poet (Michael Lee Johnson)
The Spaces Between (Holly Day)
Every Trial Is Grace (John F. Zurn)
Chapels (Kiersten Recktenwald)
While He Was Knitting You Together (Catherine Ziickgraf)
The Meadow (Penny Friedrich)
I Heard That (Daniel Klawitter)
I Am the Way (Jim Nelson)
If... (Pat Durmon)
May It Not Come Undone (Kimberly Rivers)
On Forgetting to Find God in All Things (Lisa Rutledge)
Once Upon A Time (Christine Duncan)
A Marriage in Beds (Brian Billings)
House Church (Chuck Thompson)
God's Language (Peggy Turnbill)
The Voice of the Dove (Donald Mace Williams)
The Night Shift (Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya )
Light in the Dark Night (Elizabeth Spragins)
The Healer (Elizabeth Dolan)
Psalm One (Anne E. Johnson)
The Gloaming (C. Bradley Owens)
A Rainy Dary at Newman's Grounds (Luke Harvey)
Struck (Rachel DeVore Fogarty)
Reminder (Mark Weinrich)
On the Road to Damascus (Barry Bennett)
The Red Road (Deborah Guzzi)
RIP (Sam Hickford)
Wretched, We Sail On (Charles Southerland)
Providing for Naomi (Jessica Jost-Costanzo)
Whom Should I Thank? (Robert Ronnow)
Do Not Dismiss Me (Wendy Jean MacLean)
Listening to Christmas Carols (William L. Norine)
I Wish We Were Going to Nazareth (Steve Bell)
Crèche (James B. Nicola)
Joyeux Noël Rouen, France (Deborah Guzzi)
Ancient Paths Online (2020)
St. Expedite (Laura Del Col Brown)
Praying on Sore Knees (Daniel A. Scurek)
Nights (Fiona M. Jones)
Back to Basics (Breelyn Shelkey)
We Siblings Three (Randal A. Burd, Jr.)
A Communion of the Senses (Lisa Rutledge)
To Help You Think (James B. Nicola)
Unintended Sacrifice (Cassandra Lowe)
The Woman at the Well (Don Narkevic)
Palm Sunday (Skylar Burris)
Myrrh and Aloe (L.E. Guidici)
When the Wood Is Green (Peter Venable)
Vernal Equinox (Frank De Canio)
The Laughter (Greg Moglia)
A Tribute to Our Front-line Heroes (Douglas J. Lanzo)
The Prayer that Moves through All Things (Adam Ai)
Supplication (Sanjeev Sethi)
The Face in the Vase (Will Schmit)
Texas Kahuna Cracking Pecans (Brian Billings)
Triage (Sam Hickford)
Two Poets Danced (Kevin Taylor)
Miles to Go (Dave Bachman)
Into the Darkness, Into the Night (DT Richards)
On Reading an Old Book by Longfellow (Matthew Nies)
Pareidolia (Richard Matta)
Alpha and Omega (Sanjeev Sethi)
I'm a Riverboat Boy (Michael Lee Johnson)
Dear One, Whenever You Are Able (Carolyn Chilton Casas)
Absent (Rachel Hayes)
Stepping into Sandals (Tyler Wettig)
Cup of Tea (Jeffrey Essmann)
Bird Silhouette (Melissa Frentsos)
And then the Snow (Michael Ugulini)
My Power Within (Linda Watson Owen)
The Lord Is Not Slow (Bruce Gorden)
Photograph: "Love" (Fabrice Poussin)
Thunder Dome (Deborah Guzzi)
Moses (Laura Del Col Brown)
Penetrating Light (Martha Mazza)
This Year in the Catacombs (Reverend Wendy MacLean)
The Better Part (Elizabeth Dolan)
Silence (Brian McAllister)
Rainbow (photograph by Gary Bloom)
Don't Worry (Harold Whisman)
The Train (Justine Johnston Hemmestad)
His Coming (Darlene Moore Berg)
Silent Night (Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya)
Rings (photography by Gary Bloom)
A Night on the Couch (James Miller)
Mary as the Sun Sets (Kim Malinowski)
Safety Net (John Zedolik)
Gaudete Sunday, 2009 (Lisa Molina)
Mr. Grumbles' Holiday (Ella Kate Dewees)
Northern Christmas Night (Kevin Taylor)
Ancient Paths Online (2021)
All selections below may be found archived on the Ancient Paths Archive. Use the search function on the blog to locate each work by entering one word from the title.
Resurrection Morning (John Kaprielian)
Easter 2020 (Margaret DeRitter)
Pieta (Kate Stanner)
Last Supper (James Mulhern)
I Was There (Joe Bisicchia)
Splinters (Gail Sosinsky)
Dawn's Greeting (Dan Hanqvist)
Icthys (John Zedolik)
Stations of Lent (Jean Biegun)
The Human Tower (Sam Hickford)
Lent (Robert Bires)
Home Schooled (David B. Nolta)
Love's Inquest (Jospeh Charles MacKenzie)
Ice Breakers (David B. Nolta)
Forgotten (Mark Weinrich)
A Toast (Matthew J. Andrews)
The Gift (Bill Parker Leach)
All Divinity is Love or Wonder (Cindy Hill)
Orvieto Miracle (Laurel Benjamin)
Curiouser (K. L. Johnston)
The Heron's Feather (Mark Millicent)
To A Swift (Arthur L. Wood)
Monastic (Craig Dobson)
Thursday in Hamburg Museum (Michele Waering)
False Goat's Beard (William Littlejohn-Oram)
Roofers (Ann Cefola)
When We Held Hands (Lisa Molina)
Running with the J's (Jonathan Wright)
Dandelions (Kristen Erickson)
Nothing to Punch (Alexandra Grese)
The Journey (Ray Ziemer)
Magen David (K.D. Taylor)
I Spoke to God This Morning (Paul Wine)
The Baroken (Sarah Johnson)
Beyond Compliance, Beyond Resistance (D.R. James)
Sunday with a Hermit Thrush (Samuel Wells)
The Family of God (Bethany Mootsey)
After Prayer (Laura Johnson)
When the Dam Burst (Nolcha Fox)
Snowstorm on the Lake (George Freek)
You Are Saints Alive (Robert Wooten)
Christmas in the New Century (Darrel Dionne)
Resonant Birth (Patricia McClelland)
Tax Time (Mark Weinrich)
Souvenirs (Colette Tennant)
From Ancient Trees (Wendy Jean MacLean)
Artwork for "From Ancient Trees" (Oneta Cole)
Mothers (Chris Fay)
The Manager Maker of Bethlehem (Wilda Morris)
Scurvy Santa, or Shanty Claus (Brian C. Bilings)
The Advent Wreath (Linda Trott Dickman)
Magnum Mysterium (Paul Thwaites)
Today (John Bartell)
Like Fire (Edgy Sack)
The Mystery of Tears (Jenean McBrearty)
As Foretold (T.L. Beeding)
Oriole (John Muro)
Under the Lights (Preston Eagan)
The Journey (Ray Ziemer)
Ancient Paths Online (2022)
All selections below may be found archived on the Ancient Paths Archive. Use the search function on the blog to locate each work by entering one word from the title.
The Shell (Jessamyn Rains)
Like a Circle in a Spiral (Lindsey Morrison Grant)
Blessings in a Minor Key (R.D. Ronstad)
George Herbert (Leo Aylen)
Elegy for My Mother (Frank De Canio)
Father (Richard Sensebrenner)
Precious Memories (Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya)
Postlude (Maurice O'Sullivan)
Prayers and Magic (Christa King)
A Poem in which My Aunt Reincarnated Me (Tolulope Ogedengbe)
Brave Little Things (Terri Ruhter)
Library (Bryce Christensen)
The Shattered Jars of Spice (Judith Krum)
Black Nazarene (Joe Bisicchia)
A Round of Resillence (Brian McAllister)
Midnight Swim (Sam Barbee)
At Jean Beaty Park (Jolene Nolte)
Redemption at the Red Lobster (Terri Ruhter)
Lent (Jim Ryan)
Two (Dominic Berry)
Interruption (Nate Berneking)
At Evensong (Elizabeth Spencer Spragins)
The Rollicking Crowd is Holy (Megan Wildhood)
Genova (Wilhelm Hojer)
Tidings of Migration (Sreekanth Kopuri)
The Spirit of God (Dwayne Pagnotto)
Hide the Thimble (David Dixon)
The Watchmen (Shona Levingston)
The Legend of La Befana (LindaAnn LoSchiavo)
Lost Christmas Trees (W Roger Carlisle)
A Christmas Carol (Royal Rhodes)
The First Coming (J.D. Graham)
Waiting for Christmas (Jane Hertenstein)
Early Christmas Morning (Maggie Nerz Iribarne)
Walking in Darkness (Michael Edwards)
Journey of the Magi (Stephen Kingston)
Rush Hour Broadcast... (Shaun McMichael)
No Vacancy (Steve Bell)
Sugared and Spiced (Kelly Sargent)
At the Advent Presbytery Meeting (Wendy Jean MacLean)
Advent (Alana Speth)
The Father Gives His Son Cells (Ryan Keating)
Burro (Donna Langevin)
Escape to Egypt (Ron Hickerson)
Two Doors (Robert Mayette)
Giving Thanks at Morningside (Kathleen McCoy)
Thanksgiving, Then and Now (C. McCraw)
C-r-a-n, Cranberry (R.P. Singletary)
Without a Time Machine (Amira Al Wasiff)
Ancient Paths Online (2023)
All selections below may be found archived on the Ancient Paths Archive. Use the search function on the blog to locate each work by entering one word from the title.
Cardinal Red (Paula Veloso Babadi)
Sepulchers (Nancy Jo Allen)
Good Night, photograph (Fabrice Poussin)
The Scandalous Christa (Alan Altany)
Pieta (Joshua Gage)
A Sip from Sponge Upon Our Hyssop (Maura Harrison)
Elevation (E.C. Traganas)
Lentamente (Brian C. Billings)
The Black Cap (John Muro)
Ashamed of the Ash (Brian C. Billings)
Mom's Maple Desk Chair (Michael Shoemaker)
Pentecost (Liz Dolan)
To An Athiest (Tad Tuleja)
On Notre Dame, Burning (Greg McClelland)
After I Was Raised (Liz Dolan)
Baby and Child Care (Ana Doina)
The Difference in Mothers and Fathers (Deana Culberson Johnson)
Faith (Bob Nimmo)
Love's Song (Nick Whitehorn)
Easter Sunrise Mass (Carolyn Martin)
The Morning After Death (Shaun Michael)
Good Friday (Clarissa Cervantes)
Jesus's Caterer (Bob Schildgen)
Escape Proof (Todd Sukany)
Almost Easter (Lori Negridge Allen)
The Last Ride of Jesus (Bob Schildgen)
The Scandalous Christ (Alan Altany)